For immediate release
For more information, contact
Tammy Snodgrass at (573) 265-2993
For immediate release
For more information, contact
Tammy Snodgrass at (573) 265-2993
ST. JAMES – The Region I Homeland Security Oversight Committee (HSOC) reorganized its board at its October meeting at the Meramec Regional Planning Commission (MRPC).
Tabitha Stanfast, of Salem Memorial District Hospital, continued in the role of HSOC chair for 2016-17, as chairs serve two-year terms. Ron Smith, Chief of Rolla Fire and Rescue, continues as vice chair.
Representatives on the HSOC serve alternating two-year terms. The following changes occurred on the HSOC committee:
The HSOC is currently seeking to fill vacancies in the following disciplines: alternate for sheriff; alternate for public works; primary for mayor/city administrator; primary for private industry/public utility; and alternate for schools.
Region I HSOC, established along the boundaries of the State Highway Patrol Troop I, includes the counties of Crawford, Dent, Maries, Phelps, Pulaski and Laclede.
Three counties in the Meramec Region – Gasconade, Osage and Washington – are served through other regions. Gasconade and Osage counties are part of Troop F, which is being coordinated by the Mid-Missouri Regional Planning Commission at Ashland while Washington County is part of Troop C, which is coordinated by the Southeast Missouri Regional Planning Commission at Perryville.
The next Region I HSOC meeting is scheduled for 1 p.m. Jan. 28 at MRPC. For more information on the Region I HSOC, please contact Tammy Snodgrass at (573) 265-2993, ext. 104 or via email at