For immediate release
For more information, contact
Bonnie Prigge at (573) 265-2993
For immediate release
For more information, contact
Bonnie Prigge at (573) 265-2993
JEFFERSON CITY—The board and staff of Meramec Regional Planning Commission (MRPC) traveled to the state Capitol on Jan. 27 for “MRPC Day at the Capitol.”
During the event, MRPC board and staff shared MRPC’s 2015 state legislative priorities with the 13 state legislators representing residents of the region.
Above, District 118 Rep. Ben Harris, left, and a member of his staff, right, talk to MRPC Chairman T.R. Dudley, mayor of Potosi, about a variety of issues.
MRPC Executive DirectorBonnie Prigge, left, talks to District 122 Rep. Steve Lynch about securing the future of Fort Leonard Wood.
Sen. Mike Kehoe, center, discusses local issues with MRPC At-Large Representative for For-Profit in Gasconade County Ron Kraettli andMRPC Board Member and Gasconade County Presiding Commissioner Larry Miskel.
Those attending the event include Dudley, Vice Chairman and Maries County Presiding Commissioner Ray Schwartze, Treasurer and Crocker Mayor James Morgan, Gasconade County Presiding Commissioner Larry Miskel, Hermann Chamber President Ron Kraetti, Edgar Springs Mayor Carolyn Dunham, Edgar Springs City Administrator Paula James, Dent County PresidingCommissioner Darrell Skiles, Richland City Administrator Greg Stratmann andMRPC Staff Bonnie Prigge, Tammy Snodgrass, Linda Loughridge and Shannon Coatney.
The event was coordinated with assistance from District 16 Sen. Dan Brown and staff.