For immediate release
For more information, contact
For immediate release
For more information, contact
Meramec Regional Planning Commission Coalition for Roadway Safety (CRS) subcommittee will meet at 10 a.m. Friday, May 29, at Meramec Regional Planning Commission, 4 Industrial Drive, St. James.
The meeting will focus on sharing grant opportunity information for law enforcement that would provide funds for overtime, special checkpoints and safety equipment as well as some additional grant opportunities for schools that are interested distributing the Arrive Alive message to students.
Agenda items will include a review of CRS activities and services; fatalities across the state, district and Meramec Region for 2015; update docudrama training and planning assistance; law enforcement and school grant opportunities; actionplan, funding and activities through June 2016; Central District Report; and summer outreach efforts and school programs.
Representatives of law enforcement, fire, EMS, schools (principals preferred), health departments and local governments in the Meramec Region, are encouraged to attend the event.
Please RSVP to Meramec Regional Planning Commission, 573-265-3550, to ensure enough seating and materials.