ST. JAMES—Mid America Bank and First Community National Bank were honored as the 2020 and 2021 Lenders of the Year by the Meramec Regional Development Corporation (MRDC) for their partnership efforts to bring jobs and private investment to the Meramec Region. Steve Brune, chief financial officer, and Mark Baker, loan officer, of Mid America Bank, and Becky Simpson, vice-president/marketing director of First Community National Bank, accepted the awards on behalf of their banks. Darlene Weber, president of MRDC, made the presentations at Meramec Regional Planning Commission’s Annual Dinner Oct. 21 at State Technical College of Missouri at Linn.
Mid America Bank was selected as the 2020 Lender of the Year because of its partnership with MRDC to finance the construction of Harbor Place Estates, a new senior residential care facility in Linn. The business created 10 new jobs for Linn, Osage County. The project included the purchase of land, new construction, and equipment for the new facility.
Mid America Bank, originally People’s Bank of St. Thomas, was chartered in 1914. In 1983, they opened their second location in Linn, and the name changed to Mid America Bank in recognition of its expanding market. Since that time, they have expanded to six locations across Mid Missouri.
First Community National Bank was honored as the 2021 Lender of the Year because of its partnership with MRDC to finance two projects in Crawford County: Lucky Clover Resort and Anderson Family Center, both in Steelville. These companies used MRPC’s new Revolving Loan Fund CARES program. Lucky Clover Resort involved 10 jobs and included the purchase and improvements of the resort. Anderson Family Center purchased the old bowling alley in Steelville and renovated the facility and the restaurant. The project created 5 new jobs and included the purchase of and improvements to the land, building, machinery and equipment.
First Community National Bank Photo Cutline: MRPC Chairman Steve Vogt (left), MRDC President Darlene Weber (second left) and MRPC Vice Chairman Mary Heywood (right) present Becky Simpson with First Community National Bank with the 2021 Lender of the Year award.
Originally founded as the Bank of Leasburg in 1906, First Community National Bank changed its name in 1983. The bank saw a need for small rural banks in communities that lacked such financial institutions. Since then, they have grown to six branches across Mid Missouri.
MRDC, an SBA Certified Development Company, partners with local banks to provide gap financing with the SBA 504 program. MRDC also serves as a loan review board for MRPC – owned revolving loan funds. MRPC provides the staffing for MRDC.
For more information on MRPC’s small business loans program, contact Maria Bancroft at 573-265-2993 ext. 114 or at
Formed in 1969, MRPC is a voluntary council of governments serving Crawford, Dent, Gasconade, Maries, Osage, Phelps, Pulaski and Washington counties and their respective cities. Steve Vogt is the chairman of the board. A professional staff of 36 offers technical assistance and services, such as grant preparation and administration, housing assistance, transportation planning, environmental planning, ordinance codification, business loans and other services to member communities.
Mid America Bank Photo Cutline: MRDC President Darlene Weber (left) and MRPC Chairman Steve Vogt and MRPC Vice Chairman Mary Heywood (right) present Steve Brune, chief financial officer, and Mark Baker, loan officer, of Mid America Bank with the 2020 Lender of the Year Award.