MRPC Codification Service
Serving Missouri Cities with complete codification and supplemental services and placing of ordinances on the Internet
The publication of a new municipal code book includes the following steps and features:
- Computerization of the present city code book in a new format and with a simplified numbering system
- Printed on 8 1/2″ X 11″ paper in loose-leaf form for easy updating
- Inclusion of all current municipal ordinances and the numbering, titling and indexing of ordinances
- Reorganization of code material so that all ordinances of a given category are in the same chapter for easy access
- Arrangement of chapters in alphabetical order for ease of reference
- Historical citations indicating the derivation of each section
- Addition of cross reference footnotes and relevant state law information
- Preparation of ordinance index listing all ordinances included in the code and their disposition
- Monthly, quarter, semiannual or yearly update service in loose leaf supplements
- Placing of ordinances on the Internet
City Code books prepared by MRPC:
Belle, Caledonia, Cuba, Fayette, Gasconade,Newburg, Potosi, Rolla, Rosebud, St. James, Vienna