Business Loans

Businesses looking to start up or expand in the Meramec Region will find an abundance of financing tools – ranging from loans to tax credits – to assist them along the way.
Click to jump to the Financial Resource you are interested in:
- Meramec Regional Planning Commission Revolving Loan Funds (RLF & IRP)
- United States Department of Agriculture Business and Industry Guaranteed Loan Program
- Missouri Department of Agriculture – Financial Assistance
- Missouri First Linked Deposit
Meramec Regional Planning Commission Revolving Loan Funds (RLF & IRP)
This is a local fund designed to provide loan money to small businesses in Crawford, Dent, Gasconade, Maries, Osage, Phelps, Pulaski and Washington counties in order to induce private lenders’ participation in projects that will retain or create employment. The Revolving Loan Fund can provide up to 40 percent of the funding or a maximum of $100,000, funding 50 percent with a private lender and the applicant supplying 10 percent. One job must be created or retained for each $20,000 of RLF requested. Loan applications are prepared and serviced by the MRPC staff.
MRDC Loan Application
Loan Packaging Checklist
Contact: Bobbie Bailey, Meramec Regional Development Corp., 4 Industrial Drive, St. James, MO 65559 at 573-265-2993 Ext. 114.
United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development – Business & Industry Loan Guarantees
This program guarantees loans by eligible local lenders to businesses that benefit rural areas through creation and maintenance of employment. Priority is given to applications for loans in rural communities of 25,000 or less population. Maximum guarantee is limited to $25 million. For more information, contact your local USDA office.
Missouri Department of Agriculture – Financial Assistance
The Missouri Department of Agriculture programs provide a variety of loan, loan guarantees and grant programs for agribusiness pursuits.
Contact: Missouri Department of Agriculture, P.O. Box 630, 1616 Missouri Blvd., Jefferson City, Mo. 65102-0630, (573)751-4762.
Missouri First Linked Deposit
This program facilitates a lower interest rate on loans to approved businesses. Eligible businesses include new, existing or expanding firms.
Contact: Missouri State Treasurer’s Office, P.O. Box 210, Jefferson City, Mo. 65102, 573-751-2372.