Washington County Census 2020 Complete Count Committee
Fill out the census at my2020census.gov
or by calling 1-844-330-2020!

The 2020 Census is Missouri’s way to ensure hard-earned tax dollars find their way back to the state. Previously, Washington County has been severely underreported by upwards of 30%. Because of this, MRPC, with funding from the Marillac Mission Fund, is working with the Washington County Complete Count Committee to encourage a complete count.
Washington County is considered low income with an estimated 20.2% of people living in poverty between 2013-2017. Funding will be used to support efforts targeting low income individuals with the intention to break down barriers to access, and support Washington County community members in accurately completing the census.
Census Talking Points
- Specific importance of filling out the census to your organization;
- Funding
- Previously funded projects
- Community impact of organization
- Kick-off Meeting in Potosi for the Washington County Complete Count Committee is March 6 from 5-8 in conjunction with 1st Friday Shopping in Downtown;
- April 1 is census day and information should be based on where you reside on that day;
- Information given to the census is confidential and secure under Title XIII;
- Each person not counted is approximately $1,300 in lost federal funding per year for the next 10 years for things such as schools, hospitals, and roads;
- Washington County has been under-reported by upwards of 30 percent;
- Important to encourage friends and family to also fill out the census;
- In 2010, Missouri lost a seat in Congress because of low counting.
Additional Resources:
- https://census.mo.gov/
- https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/MO
- https://census.missouri.edu/
- https://mffh.org/our-focus/census-2020/media-center-2020-census/
- https://mffh.org/our-focus/census-2020/
- https://mffh.org/our-focus/census-2020/partner-hub-2020-census/
- https://mffh.org/our-focus/census-2020/media-center-2020-census/
- https://www.census.gov/data/academy/data-gems.html
- https://www.census.gov/library/video/2019/2020-census-psa-all-videos.html