Eight counties | 36 cities | one region

a voluntary council of local governments
serving the missouri meramec area.

MRPC to host fourth climate pollution reduction meeting Nov. 30

For immediate release

For more information, contact
Tammy Snodgrass

DNR seeking input on statewide plan

ST. JAMES—Meramec Regional Planning Commission (MRPC) is hosting an additional climate pollution reduction meeting at 3:00 p.m. on Nov. 30 at its office in St. James, 4 Industrial Drive. This meeting is the final chance to provide input about climate reduction projects to be included in the state plan. Projects must be included in the plan to receive EPA Climate Pollution Reduction future grant funding.

Interested persons may attend in-person or via Zoom. Those interested in participating via Zoom need to contact the MRPC office at 573-265-2993 prior to the meeting.

The purpose of these meetings is to provide feedback to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) on the statewide climate pollution reduction plan currently being developed. Funding is being provided through the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program through the Environmental Protection Agency, which is a part of the Inflation Reduction Act signed into law in August of 2022. 

“Missouri’s main planning goal is to ensure that all Missouri communities can access funding for greenhouse gas reduction projects during the implementation phase of the program,” said Tammy Snodgrass, MRPC’s assistant director and environmental manager. “Therefore, it is critical that communities provide input on what kinds of projects they want to see included in the statewide plan so that they can apply for funds to implement those projects in the future. To be eligible to apply for implementation funds, communities must be “covered by” a CPRG climate action plan – in other words – the project they have in mind must be in the state plan.” 

Examples of potential projects include: increase in electric vehicle and low-carbon vehicle use (electric charging stations), making buildings more energy efficient, reducing food loss and re-routing food waste away from landfills, reducing or capturing industrial emissions or restoring and preserving forested land. There is an on-line form to submit project ideas at  https://dnr.mo.gov/air/what-were-doing/climate-pollution-reduction-grants-cprg-program

For those who can not attend the meetings, there is also an on-line survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CPRG-Community-Engagement-Survey, which is available to provide feedback. 

“It is important to have representation from all of the communities and counties in the Meramec Region at these meetings, but especially underserved communities to ensure their needs and input are included in the statewide plan,” Snodgrass said.

Formed in 1969, MRPC is a voluntary council of governments serving Crawford, Dent, Gasconade, Maries, Osage, Phelps, Pulaski and Washington counties and their respective cities. Mary Heywood, representing the unemployed, serves as chair of the board. A professional staff of 30 offers technical assistance and services, such as grant preparation and administration, housing assistance, transportation planning, environmental planning, ordinance codification, business loans and other services to member communities.

To keep up with the latest MRPC news and events, visit the MRPC website at www.meramecregion.org or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/meramecregion/.
